Welcome and Introduction Part 2

Positive psychology techniques need to be leveraged in health promotion and health care for sure. But I also felt that we needed to personalize coaching. James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente developed the well-known model of “stages of change” that guides health providers to interact with patients in ways that speak to each patient’s level of readiness to make behavior change. As useful as this model is for tailored coaching, it does not capture a truly personalized way of interacting with patients –aligning with how they learn, see the world around them and make decisions. I had been familiar with the Myers-Briggs personality type model, one of the most studied personality frameworks in psychology.
I adapted that model to develop a unique approach that using proven health behavior techniques, as well as key aspects of the individual’s personality. Of course, like any theory, this model has its critics—centered on the validity of the questionnaire and meaning of the results. Such issues are circumvented by uniquely approaching personality as an experimental toolkit, rather than a pre- set attribute that must be accurately defined for each individual.
The Myers Briggs model is based on Carl Jung’s proposal of eight key cognitive functions–the tools in the toolkit, two of which are preferred by each personality type. These preferences can be viewed as the individual’s brain strengths–a form of positive psychology! Dario Nardi (author of The Neuroscience of Personality) has shown correlations between personality type and these brain strengths on EEG with very promising results, lending greater biological credibility to Jung’s theory. EEG demonstrates “ruts” in the brain for brain processes that we use over and over and that feel comfortable! Even without EEG analysis, one can identify tasks that feel easy and natural, use our brain strengths and serve as key tools in our approach to health and happiness.
The application of neuroscience to coaching is starting to take hold and grow. With myhappyavatar.com and HealthTypeLLC, I am pioneering one neuroscience approach to boosting happiness and health and supporting the coaching process. Although much more research is needed, a few pearls can be applied now. In an era of precision medicine and digitization, we can make this emerging science accessible and practical to coaches, trainers, providers, and you.
Our myhappyavatar.com apps that leverage the latest science, in addition to innovative ways to personalize change, offer a unique and useful approach. Habit change for happiness and health is challenging and complex, and many available apps fail to include evidence-based approaches. As a leader in lifestyle medicine who trains providers across the country to effectively promote healthy eating, being physically active, managing stress (mind-body techniques), and more, I am aware of the challenges. Successful outcomes depend on patients achieving healthy lifelong goals. The field is increasingly looking to positive psychology techniques and tailored, “precision” approaches for results.
I offer you the myhappyavatar.com series with great passion. Welcome to our growing family of individuals, coaches, trainers, and providers who find it invaluable. I look forward to engaging with you over the coming months and years as we learn, grow, and find emotional wellbeing together.
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